
//Big data & Analytics

Lots of data and little information?
Exata Tech helps you discover the value that is hidden behind your data.

With innovative and personalized services, Exata Tech integrates, standardizes and transforms your data into powerful insights prepared for automating actions.

Accelerate digital transformation, create a Data-Driven culture and make simple and accurate decisions through our Big Data & Analytics services.

Have a personalized analytical environment and manage your business through our Dashboards and Reports.

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Powerful analytics environment prepared for your insights and automation!

Exata Tech has the best to help you discover the best insights for your business!

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Check out some of the issues we’ve helped resolve.

Exata Tech has the best to help you discover the best insights for your business!

  • Sales performance
  • Ideal product portfolio
  • Market potential analysis
  • Customer portfolio management
  • Product management
  • DBM / CRM
  • Lead Management
  • Campaign management
  • Customer profile analysis
  • Life cycle analysis
  • Inventory Management
  • Order Management
  • Back Order Management
  • Process Data (demand x inventory)

  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Planning Analysis
  • Analysis of Accomplished
  • Planned x Accomplished
  • Project analysis
  • Analysis tasks
  • Team Analysis
  • Standard deviation analysis
  • Performance analysis
  • Analysis of action plans

Exata Tech

The ideal partner for your business.

//Exata Consulting

Exata Tech is the perfect strategic ally for your company to reach its full potential, generating strategies and dynamic processes which are at the forefront of your market.

The business world is in constant and increasingly rapid evolution, and the biggest challenge for companies is to find strategies, processes and people that allow them to stay one step ahead of the competition. With our strategic consulting, 360º training and assessment solutions, you will be able to extract the full potential of your company, generating a positive and lasting impact on your main management indicators.

Learn more about our solutions:

  • Strategic Consulting.
  • Training & Development.
  • Assessment – Auditing
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Effective process design and management, robust and successful HR processes, synergy between the different areas of your organization, creation of a culture of continuous improvement:
the keys to success in your organization.

Exata Tech uses innovative and effective methodologies that allow the design, development and maintenance of successful processes, extracting the maximum potential of your organization.

We have a team of consultants with extensive experience in various markets, who will help you break the paradigms that prevent you from achieving the maximum potential and performance of your team, through strategies such as:

  • 360 Business & Operation & Consulting.
  • Learning On The Job;
  • 9 Box Grid.
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Formation and training of high performance teams at all levels of your organization.
With the right training, your team will be able to achieve maximum performance and results.

At Exata Tech we firmly believe that human talent is the basis for the success of any organization and that the correct formation and constant training are the keys to achieve and exceed organizational objectives. We guarantee that your team has all the necessary tools and strategies for a rapid absorption of information, in addition to understanding how to apply it in their daily work, generating results in the short, medium and long term.

  • Omni Learning: allows your employees to quickly and efficiently absorb all the desired content, both in the workplace and at home.
  • Behavioral Analysis: allows you to customize the training program according to each employee’s profile, allowing you to extract the maximum potential from your team.
  • Blended Training: customize your training scheme between face-to-face and online modes, allowing your team to learn no matter where they are.
  • Gamification: allows you to turn the most complex concepts into something fun and dynamic, generating greater understanding by the participants.
  • Behavioral Profile Analysis.
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Monitoring and evaluation of your processes and standards, keeping them aligned with your strategic vision. The challenge is not to implement change once, but to create a culture of continuous improvement and evolution.

At Exata Tech we know that the key to long-term success depends largely on the constant monitoring and evaluation of your organization’s processes and standards. As part of the Continuous Improvement philosophy, we help your organization to adequately evaluate and measure the evolution of your strategy, as well as to generate the necessary action plans and corrective actions in a timely manner.

Through the Assessment / Audits service we help you to physically and/or remotely evaluate your processes and standards, supported by practical and easy to use tools. We have extensive experience in:

  • Financial assessment.
  • Evaluation and calibration of processes and standards.
  • Image audits.
  • Commercial assessment.
  • Human Resources evaluations.
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The ideal partner for your business.

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